Sunday, April 29, 2012

Shall We Dance?!

Wow, it has been a while! These past few weeks have been pretty packed with interesting experiences. First of all, I was supposed to be in Bali this past week, but due to increased terrorism threats, we decided it would be in our best interest to stay in Australia. I thought it would be a good idea to take the Australian Embassy's advice to reconsider traveling to Bali at this time. I was slightly bummed that I wouldn't be refunded for my flight, but my parents so lovingly told me that my life was a tad more important than a few hundred dollars, so that made me feel good!

So instead, I filled my weekends with events held around New South Wales. Last weekend, Danielle, another Etown girl Julie, and myself went to the Sydney Opera House to see the Infinity Ballet perform. The ballet was divided into three sections, and let me tell you, ballet is rather difficult to understand, especially when no back story is given. The first section of the ballet was intriguing to watch, mainly because I could not fathom how the dancers moved their bodies in such intricate ways. Their bodies have this delicacy, yet enormous strength that is simply admirable. Despite being completely lost, I was mesmerized. The second portion was rather comical. The ballet company performed a satirical performance of Swan Lake. There was actually talking and comedy that really captured the audience. The final section involved tribal music (I think) and the dancers replicated animal movements. It was like a sophisticated, grown-up version of The Lion King. Even though they did an amazing job, no one can stand close to Simba. Sorry, Sydney Dance Company.

Oh! I forgot to mention the delicious meal we indulged in beforehand. We put our fancy pants on and headed to our reservation at the Waterfront Restaurant for dinner. The restaurant overlooked the harbour just as the sun was beginning to set, and it was absolutely gorgeous. We even saw two weddings take place. These lucky brides got their wedding photos taken right there at the harbour. It was so magical!

When our meals finally came out, I dove into my delicious pasta and fish with asparagus cream sauce. And we couldn't resist the Cosmopolitan jug to share. It was very yummy! The ballet was definitely a cultural event worth experiencing. Once again, I have fallen in love with the city of Sydney. We were surrounded by exciting nightlife, classy people, and most importantly, good friends.

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